A equia TW deseja a todos os seus clientes um feliz natal e próspero ano novo
Most definitely.
Perhaps one of the most important tasks of moving.
To insure your belongings are not damaged during transport, we offer a variety of packaging materials.
Only high quality packaging materials, such as:
You decide.
You can opt for a complete removal service, including packiging. Or simply pack yourself and leave the moving to us.
Packaging materials can be bought at our warehouse, or delivered to your doorstep.
To guarantee great service and ensure nothing can go wrong,
we exclusively use top quality packaging.
This can be done by us or alternatively by you,
leaving us to do just the moving.
Different boxes for different purposes.
We use smaller boxes for heavier items, such as books. And bigger boxes for lighter goods, such as towels and bedsheets.
These boxes are ideal for storing and transporting garments which require a hanging rail, ensuring your items of clothing won't get dirty during the move.
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